We are sorry to hear that you are considering leaving Slingshot. Please do let us know if there is anything we can do to change your mind.
Prior to canceling your Slingshot account
- Contact our team to confirm if your services are currently under contract. If the contract term is not complete, you may face early exit charges.
- There is a standard 30-day notice period for cancellation requests. The notice period begins from the time you confirm your intent to cancel your account.
- You can read our full terms and conditions here.
Canceling your Slingshot account
You can cancel your account with Slingshot by following one of our easy contact methods:
- Send our Customer Services team an email by completing our online contact form with your full name, date of birth, address, and preferred date for cancellation. Our team will then process your request accordingly.
- Contact our team on 0800 89 2027 to submit your cancellation request. Our operating hours are located at the bottom of our contact page.
Final Bill and Remaining Charges:
Once your cancellation has been processed you will receive one final bill with any remaining charges. If you are under contract, an Early Termination Fee will apply.
- If you have cancelled your account or moved to another provider, and continue to be charged, please reach out to our team who can investigate this further for you.
- If your final bill includes a credit on your account that you'd like to get refunded, send us an email with your details and we'll arrange this for you.
Placing services on hold
Slingshot is not able to place services on hold or temporarily cancel your account. This is because your services will still be connected at the exchange leading to monthly service rental charges. The only method to cease billing is by canceling your account. If you only require a temporary disconnection, there are crucial points to consider before proceeding with this request:
- Depending on your contract status, there might be an early exit fee and reconnection fees for canceling your broadband service and signing up again on a later date.
- The disconnection process may cause you to lose your homeline number.
- You will lose any carryover data that you have accumulated.
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