- Confirming that your computer equipment is functioning properly is the first thing to check off the list. Check your modem lights to see if you’re connected to your Internet provider. Also ensure nothing is sitting on top of your modem as it can overheat.
If your modem appears to be working fine and dropouts occur with your wireless-connected devices but not with cable-connected devices, then the issue could be with your wireless network, Click Here for Wifi help.
- Ensure that all other devices such as phones, faxes, Sky TV, that use a phone line have a DSL filter on them. If you find any that don’t have a filter, then either disconnect them or buy a filter – interference from an unfiltered device can disconnect your broadband. If you have over 5 analogue phone jack devices you may need to have a master splitter installed for your Copper broadband services like ADSL and VDSL
If this doesn’t solve the problem, perform an isolation test to see if any of your cabling, devices or DSL filters are broken.
- If your modem is plugged into a multi-plug or is plugged in next to a large appliance that draws a lot of power, try plugging it into its own power socket or somewhere else. If too much power is drawn away from the modem it may drop the connection.
- Does your house have an alarm system or medical alarm that is or used to be monitored? They’re programmed to dial out periodically, even if they’re no longer being used, and they override anything else connected to the phone line. Check to make sure you either have a master splitter installed, or that the alarm is no longer programmed to dial out. If your alarm is causing disconnections then you’ll notice they’re happening at the same time every day.
If the above steps have not resolved your broadband connection issues, then please contact us here or call us on 0800 89 2000, and let us know which steps you’ve already completed.
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