Slingshot provides one free residential listing in the White Pages telephone directory. You can have yourself listed in the white pages or your white pages listing updated at anytime.
Telephone Directory Listing FAQs
We can certainly have you listed in the telephone directory. Send our team an email or chat with a member of our team and provide us with the details listed below (exactly as you wish to have them appear in the directory) to have listing added.
It does take 5-10 business days for the listing to be updating in the online directory and you will appear in the next physical telephone phone book too.
Phone number:
In order to your existing White Pages listing updating, we will require your current listing and details regarding how you would like to appear in the White Pages. Send our team an email or chat with a member of our team and provide us with the details listed below (exactly as you wish to have them appear in the directory) to have listed updated.
It does take 5-10 business days for the listing to be updated in the online directory and it will also be updated in the next physical telephone phone book too.
Current listing page (your current listing in the White Pages):
New Listing Details
Phone number:
We can have your listing removed from the White Pages telephone directory. Send our team an email or chat with a member of our team and provide us with the listing details (exactly as they appear in the White Pages) and we can have the listing removed. We will require the details listed below.
It does take 5-10 business days for the listing to be updated in the online directory and it will also be updated in the next physical telephone phone book too.
Phone number:
Slingshot provides one basic listing free of cost. To add a mobile number to your listing or have an additional listing it is $23.92. Send our team an email or chat with a member of our team.
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