In New Zealand, there are different types of power meters that charge for electricity in different ways.
UN - Uncontrolled Meter
An uncontrolled meter provides uncontrolled and unrestricted supply to the property for 24 hours a day. This is the most common type in New Zealand for residential households.
CN - Controlled Meter
A controlled meter allows your retailer and network company to manage "control" usage during peak use periods and for you to pay a lower rate as a result. The minimum length of time these supplies will be on are dependent on where you are living and which controlled option you are on. Most controlled options have electricity available for at least 16 hours each day. This option is commonly used for hot water cylinders, pumps and floor heating. They are normally paired with an uncontrolled meter for dedicated energy supply to your home.
IN – All Inclusive Meter
An all inclusive meter is a single meter that works similar to an uncontrolled/controlled combination. The supply is available to be controlled to an appliance in the property (normally the hot water cylinder) for a period of time in a day. This means that the hot water supply might be turned off during peak times for an allocated period of time.
Day(D)/Night(N) Metering
Day/Night meters, like the uncontrolled meter, provide 24 hours a day of unrestricted supply to the property. However, two different rates apply depending on whether energy is consumed during the Day period or the Night period. In many regions, the Night period is 11pm to 7am, however this may vary by location or meter type.
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