You can save time and never miss a payment by setting up a payment method in My Slingshot. The balance will automatically be taken from your credit or debit card weekly, fortnightly, or monthly depending on your chosen billing cycle - easy!
From 1 November 2023, a 1% fee will apply to payments made by credit or debit card
One-off payments
You can make a one-off payment directly in My Slingshot if you'd prefer not to set up your details.
Over the phone
Your other option is to call us on 0800 89 19 37 with your credit card details and have your Slingshot account number handy just in case the number you're calling from isn't linked to your account. It will take roughly half an hour to process.
Important information
Please note that when you register your credit card, a temporary $1 pre-authorisation hold is applied to ensure it's valid. The hold is automatically reversed within a few days.
We accept Visa, Visa Debit Card, Mastercard, American Express, and Diners.
Need something else?
Check out our other billing options, a breakdown of your charges, or some commonly asked questions:
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