Submit a request
If you're a customer, or have been in the past, there may be a credit balance on your account.
This could be because of:
- Overpayment
- A billing error
- You were a customer in the past and there was a credit balance on your final bill
Either way, it's your money and we want to give it back.
If you recently got a letter or email from us, it will have the account number the refund relates to, and how much you're owed. Fill in the form below to get your refund sorted.
Once this form is submitted, our team will review your application and be in touch.
They may require supporting documentation such as:
• a completed Electricity Authority 'Notice of Potential Medically Dependent Consumer (MDC) Status' form, which includes a certification from a DHB, private hospital or GP (accessible from their website here: Electricity Authority);
• a protection order;
• a letter from a health practitioner (e.g., a GP); or
• documentation of impairment (e.g., an ID card)